
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Doctor vs the doctor

Watched a youtube of a Republican Congressman/MD in a townhall meeting who had been asked a question about healthcare and the uninsured by a fellow doctor.

Why wasn't his answer thus:

So, we're both doctor's?  You say you've treated 4 uninsured people but I've treated thousands of them.  I've been practicing more than 30 years and you only for 3?  And you know better than I?  How do you know better than I do?  You would not even be able to answer the simple question as to why me, a heartless Republican would do that in the first place.  I am a doctor, I have treated oh so many more than you, why do you think I did that?  (in other words, put them on their heels, you're in a fight.

I've done so much more than you for the uninsured, why, because they need healthcare just like everyone else & I care!  Because I care I cannot buy into your feelings that drive you to be in favor of a system that gives the illusion of having healthcare available to them just because they get to stand in line.

A system that puts everyone in the same line, waiting to be seen, and if they live long enough to be seen then get to go to another line.  How long does it take to schedule an MRI in Canada?  9 months, in USA, tomorrow.  There's a reason for that.

How long does it take for you to be seen by a Physical therapist? Depends on your age.  The younger ones about 3 months, the older you are the longer you wait.  And thats Humane?????

In Canada, 30% of those waiting for surgery die waiting.  In USA, none.  Why is that?  Great way to save money for healthy people huh?  Not so great if you actually need surgery/healthcare.

Theres a reason why hospitals along the Canadian border are booming.  Cause Canadians that want to live have to come here.  How Humane is that?

So lets talk about solutions that work in reality.  To do so requires thoughts, not emotions.

And lets focus on the true enemies of the People & of Healthcare- Socialism, Insurance companies & the Hospitals that are bought by them & how it drives costs through the roof.

etc, etc etc.

Ok, so a bit long winded but vital to the "health" of our nation.

You can spout solutions that the frantic mob cannot understand or you can use their frenzy against them.

Really wish GOP would figure that out.

This time, my thoughts in 240 seconds or less w/out editing.

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