
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Not a new topic for Newt Gingrich

Pamela Geller in a posting from her blog,, stated:

Does it strike anyone else that this next presidential election feels less like an election and more like two opposing countries fighting for victory? Obama's idea of America is positively un-american (collectivist, socialist, transnational). The Republican mavericks (no, not the RINOs) are channeling our founding fathers, fighting for individual rights, less government, and our unalienable rights endowed by our Creator.
The battle is for America, exceptional, sovereign and free, vs. America, unexceptional, transnational, Statist.
This isn't so much an election but a fight for America. The Individual vs the State -- it's a non-violent civil war.

Newt Gingrich explains why:

The Founders of this great nation envisioned an economic system comprising a wide variety of energetic private interests, all pursuing their own enlightened self-interests under a carefully constructed system of federalism. The government they created was charged with creating a legal and policy environment that would allow the American economy and civil society to flourish. That government was not authorized to become the producer and director of the great drama that is America. And yet the Progressive movement, strongly influenced by the purported “efficiency” of nineteenth-century Prussian “planning,” and later of Soviet “planning,” has embraced a top-down director’s role for the government over the lives of the American people.

One of the two great political parties in the United States has essentially abandoned its responsibility to represent the private sector. It is now focused almost entirely on the demands of the public sector—state and federal government employees, their unions, and to the extent the Democrats listen to the private sector at all, the crony capitalists who profit from influencing government.

The political power of this party depends on increasing the percentage of the population that depends on Big Government and that votes to keep it in power. It is now imperative that the American people, who value and honor the legacy of freedom they have received from the Founders, step forward and restore the traditional American commitment to work and independence—or settle for a life of dependency on Hayek’s road to serfdom.

~ excerpts from Newt Gingrich "A Nation like no Other"

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