
Friday, July 8, 2011

Open letter to Newt Gingrich

Mr. Gingrich,

You have some core strengths that can propel you to the Presidency of the United States of America.  Strengths unseen from your fellow candidates.  My proposal is that you should use these core strengths more.  I've seen a glimmer of them but they could shine oh so much brighter.

There are many similarities that you share with your fellow candidates though.  Some are necessary but should be dimmed in order to let your core strengths shine through.

You and your fellow candidates all have plans.  You all have plans one-upping each other.  Yet, basically, the plans are all the same.  Anyone can form a plan.  Anyone can identify problems.  Anyone can hire experts to advise them.  And everyone does.  Set yourself apart.

You are different, you created a plan, you were elected based upon that plan, you created the first Republican majority in over 40 yrs, you then passed that plan, then you implemented it.  That is truly different from your fellow candidates.  That is what should shine through.  It is a core strength.

A core strength you have is your knowledge of History & Philosophy.  Use it as you did during the CNN debate.  Even Dick Morris noticed that you were only one of two that had original answers vs. soundbites from the others.

Argument is another core strength that you have.  You know how to argue.  But like the rest, you're assumptions are incorrect.  Obama is not the problem.  He is not stupid.  He is just the latest face on a real problem, a real danger to America thats been around for quite some time.

During the debate all the candidates kept harping on Obama and his job performance, or lack thereof, never even giving thought that Obama actually was accomplishing exactly what he set out to do.  The man is not stupid & when that is taken out of the equation all that is left is that all that he does is on purpose.

When you come to this realization then you must change the argument as well.  With this realization you actually begin to define and then argue correctly as to how/what/why is happening to America, why its bad for America, and how it can be fixed and why it should be fixed.

With the proper argument, with your reasoning skills, knowledge of history & philosophy, and actual accomplishment in the political swamp of DC, you can defeat the latest face that has been placed over the subversive threat to America.

These are all your core strengths.  Use them.

The book is a core strength. Use the positive message in your new book, the uplifting messages throughout its pages to inspire the American people to want Freedom again.

Be the next Reagan.  Inspire.  You have the same beliefs as he, use them.

So, put the details of your plans on a webpage but paint the broad picture of America to the Public.  Use your core strengths in each stroke of the brush, in each color mixture to bring us a painting that we can all hang on a wall in our homes.

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