
Monday, August 15, 2011

Letter to the Tea Party

There is only one candidate that has done what you want to have done today.

This candidate shrunk government and balanced the budget.

Not on a State level nor for a Corporation but for the entire Nation.

He did all this until a group of self-righteous people, including ME, threw him out.

I realize now that my self-righteousness would also have kept me from liking, definitely not endorsing just about every man, woman, or child that was used in the Bible to further God's will.  The murderers, prostitutes, philanderers, mass murderers, traitors, robbers, and many more.

I've learned that each of our walks are individual.  Some get cancer, some wealth, some both until that changes.  Some get rained on while others get sunshine until that too changes.  Each walk is individually tailored and brings us closer to where we're supposed to be.  To criticize someones individual walk is nothing short of criticizing God.  But I digress.

Then, after he was sent packing, we watched Washington creep back to normal and become the swamp it has always been (how ironic its built on a swamp).

And quite frankly we deserved it.  Now in the vacuum that we created, we've had to create the Tea Party.  A wonderful concept but I for one wish there was no need for it.  I'd rather be watching football or playing with my dog or shopping with my wife (which indicates more than anything else how much I wish there was no need for the Tea Party).

Out of all the candidates, only one did what you want to have done.

He created a Revolution, he wrote the bills, recruited Congressmen, he then passed every bill within 100 days and effectively stopped the Obama of his day.

He also set the Government back on course to be what it is supposed to be.

As they say, he's done it once and will do it again.  This time as President he can do so even more effectively and prevent the return to the swamp.

Like him or not, Newt Gingrich is the only one that has done it and we need to get over our self-righteouseness or else we will end up with another Diet Socialist for President or even the fully leaded one we've seen on vacation the past 3 years.

Like him or not, Newt is the best person for the job.  That is why his (and our) enemies have attacked him so much.

But consider this, if you want a true insight to the man's character then remember the last few days in Iowa.

During the entire debate he was teaching the audience how to reform government.  The rest repeated talking points over and over again til their time was up.  Yes, there were some attacks on each other, like school children will but the Teacher kept on teaching.

In the closing remarks every one of them literally said vote for me. All except Newt.

His entire closing remark was a summation of his lesson on reforming government.

Now thats the type of character we need in power.

I've watched the rallies in Iowa since that debate.  Lots of pep rallies.  Very exciting but still the same phrases over and over again.  And then you watch Newt.  Still teaching.

I ask you to put aside your differences, to use your reason and give good consideration to the man thats done what you continue to hope for but will never get from any other candidate.

Newt has taught it, he's written about it, he's done it.

God bless America.

{Mostly for selfish reasons I admit, I'm tired of moving but then again where else can I move to?  Socialists can move anywhere but where do we go for Freedom?  Hint- thats why America is supposed to be different, better, to give people a choice.}

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