
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Newt on limitations of Government

Both Tocqueville and the Founders realized that government could not and should not replace civil society, because the static and singular nature of government cannot accommodate the manifold needs of American citizens.

Furthermore, when the government intervenes, it often lassoes private associations with new and cumbersome rules and regulations that discourage new membership and sap further initiative by private citizens. As civic society diminishes, those in need are forced to turn to the bureaucratic institutions that have assumed a dominant position. This creates greater and greater dependence on ineffectual and stultifying government action, and individuals become less free, less virtuous, and less well-served.

The more government centralizes social programs, the more it tends to depersonalize and alienate the individuals it is meant to protect and serve. It reduces the individual, to paraphrase Karl Marx, to an “appendage of the bureaucratic state,” which tries to assume control of more and more of our personal responsibilities.

To maximize freedom, power should be vested as close to the individual as possible. This principle of localism, or what is described in Christian social teaching as subsidiarity, acknowledges that the smaller and more decentralized the decision-maker, the better the decision-maker can personalize the decision to the individuals affected and protect their dignity and freedom.

~Newt Gingrich - A Nation like no Other

My thought - 

What we see today is so fundamentally opposed to the original intents by the Founders of this country.  

It never should have been allowed to happen.  This "Change" should never have been allowed to happen.  And it has been happening for decades.

Giving people the Freedom to destroy their Freedom is not an exercise of Freedom.  

It is an exercise in Lunacy at best, Treason at worst.

We are supposed to set an example to the World, a better example, one that gives people a choice between Freedom and the corrupt systems of Socialism they live under presently.

Newt Gingrich understands.  I hope the rest of the Nation begins to wake up.


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