
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cain or Gingrich?

One thing that is not lacking in a campaign is the amount of sunshine people like to blow up someone's backside.  Right now all the sunshine is directed towards Herman Cain which worries me for him & for this Nation.

In life I've found that brilliant people are only brilliant when in the right place at the right time.  When they are there, in that place, many people then mistake their brilliance for a type of omnipotent brilliance, one that transcends all therefore making the brilliant person - brilliant, at any or every thing they set their mind too.  In real life its not so neat.  There are the fortunate few who have a couple or more successes in life.  Most people get one chance and some of those may even get a second chance.  Herman is looking for another chance & Newt is here for a second chance.

Herman Cain is brilliant, no doubt about it.  And a heck of a nice guy.  He knows business and has had successe in business.  But his success in business does not make him a Brain surgeon nor a great President of the United States of America.

Newt Gingrich is an even more brilliant man, absolutely no doubt about that.  And a heck of nice guy.  He knows Politics, has had tremendous success in Politics but that does not make him a Brain surgeon nor a great or even competent CEO/Savior of a pizza company.

Herman Cain cannot walk into Newt's "House" and succeed anymore than Newt Gingrich could walk into Herman's business and succeed.

Herman Cain is being set up.  If he becomes President, he will fail & so will the Conservative movement which then dooms us all to Democrats getting back into power with more & more & more Socialism.  This also means, we are being set up as well.

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