Liberals & Science don't mix well if at all. Like Oil & Water. I can just hear Liberals now, "its not nice to mix oil in water, it hurts the environment!". *sigh*
Case in point. Remember when our embarrassing President was in Alaska worried about the environment cause he's seeing snow melt in summer? Maybe someone should send him a copy of 'Frozen'. Then again, for Liberals, that film is probably classified as a Horror flick or worse, a scientific documentary.
Yet even worse, is how they defend Abortion with 1970's science. I remember when they'd hold up x-ray's and say 'see? its just a blob'. No big deal.
With 2015 science, we know much better what that blob actually is, does that change anything? Of course not, truth is inconvenient to these fanatics & their religion of death.
However, if they learned those blobs became MacBook Pro's... Abortion would be banned so fast you'd swear a tornado just swept through.
Changing subjects, sort of... the other day I had a MBA quote Marx to me. Really?
Did Marx have a successful business that you, Mr. MBA, were required to study? A previously undiscovered one that we non-MBA's have never heard of??? Is that why you studied Marx in MBA school? Hmm?
In the previous paragraph I stated that I was changing subjects ' sort of ' since both subjects, Science & Business, have the same cancer in their belly which is a ghoulish mix of Atheism & Marxism.
This compost of Atheism & Marxism is the rot within, the cancer of our World.
That which was to save has brought nothing but death & abject misery to the World on a scale beyond anything that they accused their enemies of- Christians.
The more this abnormal condition spreads, the ' Madder ' this world becomes... in all respects of the word ' Mad '.
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