
Thursday, June 9, 2011

April Tweets

Some from Berlin & Amsterdam, the rest when I got back:

Can not believe how ugly the German countryside is with Power Turbines.

So gehort sie sich. Really like that phrase but it can be a two edged sword. Sometimes leads to a lot of rudeness and selfishness.

My time in Berlin is bittersweet. My hometown, where I grew up, has changed so much, some for the better and some not so much.

No wonder Europeans hate Americans, all they have here is CNN.

I see that Obama is on yet another vacation. He's gone over 10 times in two years and I'm on my first in 5 years. Back to the Tulips!

Democrats always happily slash Police/Fire/Military budgets yet never touch Welfare. One contributes to society and the other does not.

Wind power- saving nature while making it as ugly as possible and deadly to birds and disrupting people's sleep patterns.

Impressions- children run free w/o parents around, no one wears helmets, classrooms are larger than American's yet they're smarter.

Democrats blame business for the bad economy yet its all Government spending and regs all around the world thats crashing everything.

Just got back from a walk, hard to sight-see with all the angry bike riders whizzing by you.

On a lighter note, the WC's in Holland and Germany are excellent, don't even mind the women mopping behind me where I'm standing.

In America, I wouldn't go into a WC w/o Lysol or a Blowtorch.

I know that many a great philosopher have had great musings upon the WC, maybe this means I'm on the right road!

Goodbye to the land of flying Dutch bikers and hello to the land of philosophers and poets.

How do Dutch people clean their netherlands if they don't have wash cloths? Our hotel had none, can only imagine.

Heard a story of Fredrick the Great, how Kings had no more rights than the people, wish I could retell it on the floor of congress.

We are told to tighten our belts and governments all around the world go on spending spree's, crash economies, then bail each other out.

The Czechs are laughing their bums off over the scared bunnies the Germans have become... they are looking forward to selling them energy!

Why do parents think that they should raise their kids differently than they were? Do they think that they didn't turn out well?

If Michelle Obama wants to embrace the country she loves then we should all pitch in to send her there, are there direct flights to Cuba?

Biggest obstacle to becoming a Libertarian, their fetish with Pot, don't need more asleep Americans, French Rev started with Coffee not Pot.

How do you bring your i7 iMac to its knee's? With a MS 2008 Office update. Sheesh.

Obama is just the newest face on the real problem in America and that is what the Democrat party has become, #GOP should focus on that.

Thought "making a killing off killing" was Planned Parenthood's theme, thankfully #Redeye set me straight.

Time to remember ultimate solution to everything, Second Coming of Jesus Christ, til then, choice is between lesser of ultimate solutions

I live life with my #Human side crashing through walls with a bulldozer and my #Christian side digging out from the rubble.

#Liberals always pick on the weakest no matter if its a country or a child. #Cowards

Philosophy is a battle against bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language-Wittgenstein

"I'm sorry, you said you need a raise asap? you spent 8 days at sea? you love to watch your neighbors watch tv? #Hillarious

#Moral equivalency of being hunted like an animal, imprisoned, then sold in slavery with sneaking across the Rio for free healthcare #Obama

Alan Colmes knows Un-American, he breathes it, he lives it, so when he says that something isn't Un-American, then we must believe him.

As long as there are no consequences this country will suffer at the altar of liars. Is lying free speech? Can one yell fire in a theater?

Obama message, shut up and believe what I tell you, thats being an #American.

In heaven all the interesting people are missing~Nietzsche Then I need to become as boring as possible, fast!~Me

Always angry, should not have been any deaths last night, there is a way to build an indestructible building but builders won't do it.

Matchstick houses & pine coffins, theres a better way to build.

Obama is not in over his head. If you can read the signs, you would know he & #DNC plan is right on track, wake up #GOP elites.

Ron P. thinks we can become an island & be happy, if he thinks the wars are bad now, wait til its on the shores of the island. #human nature

Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms~Aristotle

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