
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Coulter, Gingrich, & Demonic

Ann Coulter made a statement the other day saying that listening to Gingrich speak usually puts her to sleep.  Not that he's boring, she says, but that he knows too much & and speaks too long.

I find that interesting since in the beginning of Ann's career, I also had those same feelings regarding her answers to the questions asked by a show's host on any tv news media she was visting at the time.  Embarrassed to say I did catch as many appearances as I could since her hair was and still is fabulous.

I knew from the very beginning that the blank, deer in the headlights look was misinterpreted as something that it was not.  When asked a question she always gave a blank look before beginning to answer, many times not finishing due to lack of time.  The blank look though was her brain over-processing the question.  She simply knew too much, knew it would take 30 min of background history to set up the answer, and then another 30 min to actually answer the question.

She has adapted and gotten better but still has her moments.  Something that can be said of Newt Gingrich as well.

Newt Gingrich also has much too much knowledge in his head and it shows in his answers.  He also has learned (based upon the last debate or simply enforced by John UghUgh King) and adapted.

On one hand, its nice to see the adaptation from both yet on the other it is a disservice to the issues at hand that require much more than a soundbite... unless you're a Liberal of course, then its all soundbites, slogans, and mindless goose-stepping while calling everyone else a Nazi.

This leads me to Demonic.  I've read the first couple of chapters.  Have since switched over to Newt's new book, "A Nation Like no Other". But my thoughts are about Ann's book.  I disagree with it's premise and maybe later in the book its better explained or add/corrected.

I think that the mob only forms based upon Demonic leadership.  Mobs cannot exist without a leader or leadership.  If that leadership is Demonic then so to is what it forms, the mob.  It then manifests itself into the destructive actions that occur whenever a mob is formed.  Furthermore, the leadership is not always human.  As evidenced by Ann at the very beginning.

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