Sunday, June 26, 2011

Oh Jezebel!

Watch Miss USA Hopefuls Awkwardly Dance Around The Evolution Issue - @Jezebel

Not too long ago, when Science & the Public School system were still honest, we were taught the "Theory of Evolution".  Granted that is all we were taught, no other theories in other words, but at least they were honest about it being a Theory.

Now all of a sudden it is no longer a theory but a fact.  Even though there is no definitive evidence, old or recently discovered, to prove their "fact".  Yet another example of the rabid worship given an imaginary belief system complete with worshippers & priests & their very own heretical Inquisition.  The Theory of Evolution has gone to being the Religion of Evolution which should be separated from its State endorsement.

To their credit, only Miss Washington & Miss Mississippi (according to the edited version I've seen) got it right.  Right as in having the proper argument to counter the absurd assumptions of the question.  Unfortunately the inability to Think/Reason was demonstrated by the rest.  Not an inditement of them as females or beauty contestants, but a definite fore-bearing of the bleak future of America thanks to the sloppy Liberal education within their age group(s).

When Kathy Griffin Met Michele Bachmann - @Jezebel

Is this story even true?  I haven't seen anything on any news channel about it.  When watching the video, you can not help but think what a pathetic pile of refuse this person is with her rantings and self-glorification throughout the story.  She panders to the bigoted crowd with targeted statements to pull them into the cesspool of her inward workings.  The whole story/video just reeks of a demented mind bent on her sad need to be noticed.

If only we could send her back to Canada, preferably via catapult.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

2 tweets that got my goat & then Gingrich

 Senator Ron Johnson 
 by NRSCNo, ATMs don't destroy jobs. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quote of the Day

When a place gets crowded enough to require ID's, social collapse is not far away. It is time to go elsewhere. The best thing about space travel is that it made it possible to go elsewhere ~ Heinlein

Monday, June 20, 2011

Quote(s) of the Day

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?  ~ Alice in Wonderland

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Coulter, Gingrich, & Demonic

Ann Coulter made a statement the other day saying that listening to Gingrich speak usually puts her to sleep.  Not that he's boring, she says, but that he knows too much & and speaks too long.

I find that interesting since in the beginning of Ann's career, I also had those same feelings regarding her answers to the questions asked by a show's host on any tv news media she was visting at the time.  Embarrassed to say I did catch as many appearances as I could since her hair was and still is fabulous.

I knew from the very beginning that the blank, deer in the headlights look was misinterpreted as something that it was not.  When asked a question she always gave a blank look before beginning to answer, many times not finishing due to lack of time.  The blank look though was her brain over-processing the question.  She simply knew too much, knew it would take 30 min of background history to set up the answer, and then another 30 min to actually answer the question.

She has adapted and gotten better but still has her moments.  Something that can be said of Newt Gingrich as well.

Newt Gingrich also has much too much knowledge in his head and it shows in his answers.  He also has learned (based upon the last debate or simply enforced by John UghUgh King) and adapted.

On one hand, its nice to see the adaptation from both yet on the other it is a disservice to the issues at hand that require much more than a soundbite... unless you're a Liberal of course, then its all soundbites, slogans, and mindless goose-stepping while calling everyone else a Nazi.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

April Tweets

Some from Berlin & Amsterdam, the rest when I got back:

Can not believe how ugly the German countryside is with Power Turbines.

So gehort sie sich. Really like that phrase but it can be a two edged sword. Sometimes leads to a lot of rudeness and selfishness.

My time in Berlin is bittersweet. My hometown, where I grew up, has changed so much, some for the better and some not so much.

No wonder Europeans hate Americans, all they have here is CNN.

I see that Obama is on yet another vacation. He's gone over 10 times in two years and I'm on my first in 5 years. Back to the Tulips!

Democrats always happily slash Police/Fire/Military budgets yet never touch Welfare. One contributes to society and the other does not.

Wind power- saving nature while making it as ugly as possible and deadly to birds and disrupting people's sleep patterns.

Impressions- children run free w/o parents around, no one wears helmets, classrooms are larger than American's yet they're smarter.

Democrats blame business for the bad economy yet its all Government spending and regs all around the world thats crashing everything.

Just got back from a walk, hard to sight-see with all the angry bike riders whizzing by you.

On a lighter note, the WC's in Holland and Germany are excellent, don't even mind the women mopping behind me where I'm standing.

In America, I wouldn't go into a WC w/o Lysol or a Blowtorch.

I know that many a great philosopher have had great musings upon the WC, maybe this means I'm on the right road!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Arab Spring (Western Fall)

I wonder who first thought of this name?

If Western, then it was probably due to when, in the Spring, which is when it started, which would be very simple-minded of them.

If Arab, then it would mean the Beginning since thats what Spring is about, too simple or true for our pseudo-intellectuals in the West.

I wonder why its constantly compared to the Berlin Wall or now, Poland.

Friday, June 3, 2011

March Tweets

Obama's new book(s)- "How to see the world on somebody else's dime" and then "Lessons I learned while Golfing"

The people, Frank and Dodd, who brought us the RE crash passed a Wall Street bill last year, anyone else nervous?

Problem with Fox News, fair and balanced. If I wanted to hear lies I would watch CNN or goto a Union rally. I know the lies, want truth.

If the Democrats and Unions acted like they do in America anywhere else in the world, they would be in jail for Treason.

Code Pink thinks that tearing down a picture is more effective than bombing. Orwellian delusion or mental deficency, you decide.

Liberals say Capitalism is evil but they don't believe that anything else can or is evil. Hypocrisy or Lying or Dumb as dirt, you decide,

The more you know about the Canadian Healthcare system, the more it looks like a Human Rights violation.

Liberal Governments have slaughtered 100's of millions of people but Christians are worse... why?

Wow, the President can't do all he wants cause the system is keeping him down, who is this system and how can we thank them?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Doctor vs the doctor

Watched a youtube of a Republican Congressman/MD in a townhall meeting who had been asked a question about healthcare and the uninsured by a fellow doctor.

Why wasn't his answer thus: