Monday, August 1, 2011

June Tweets

No brainer ad for #GOP- UK & Canada going bankrupt over Healthcare, Spain going bankrupt over Green energy & Obama wants us to be like them.

Obama says family ok w/ 1 term presidency? Why? because they've visited all the countries on their bucket list already?

I live life with my #Human side crashing through walls with a bulldozer and my #Christian side digging out from the rubble.

Providence comes from God and allows room for free will; Fortune is just the way the cookie crumbles ~ unknown

The learning of many things teacheth not understanding ~ Heraclitus

When Inexperience Is An Advantage Richard Branson beating the Gorilla's of Conventional Wisdom & the process minded.

Watching German news cheerleading the Austiegung, they really need their own #FoxNews to counter the Idiocracy of their leaders. #angsthasen

Came to a country with a melting pot and work, now reinvented to a rainbow, a lottery, and "you may be entitled to compensation" thanks #DNC

Hospitals in northern Germany overwhelmed, struggle to provide enough beds & medical care for patients reports @AP Darkside of #Socialism.

I wonder if Europeans will reconsider irradiation now that their vegetables are killing them.

Berliners play by their own rules Sums up my experience while there last month. What has America become?

No oppressed people will fight & endure, as our fathers did w/o the promise of something better than a mere change of masters~NewtGingrich

#GOP is being short-sighted when speaking about job plans & anything about Obama, they must think beyond the obvious

Yes, a free health care system that is so superior that Democrats exempt themselves and their friends from being in it ~ Ann Coulter

Perhaps conservatives aren’t looking for a savior on the ballot because they already have one ~ Ann Coulter

#Liberals fault Christians for believing in perfection yet they're the ones who shoot down every idea that isn't perfect.

#Liberals / #Socialists point out others mistakes to prove invalidity of concept or person, if true, then they are the worst choice of all.

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once ~ Heinlein

Nevertheless there would be no unity if there were not opposites to combine: 'lt is the opposite which is good for us.' ~Russell/Heraclitus

Robert Gibbs is correct, we need to understand what got us into this mess, Frank/Dodd & their pals at FannieMae/FreddieMac

I wonder why no one covered the #eG8?

What passes for Capitalism/Business today is actually Socialism. This is why Biz is hated, not for what it was but for what it has become.

Ecology as a social principle...advocates mens return 2 “nature,” 2 the state of grunting subanimals digging the soil w/ their bare hands~AR

The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are~CSLewis

As Seneca put it, life does not pause to remind you that it is running out.

Can you imagine buying a car then being told you don't own it & will only use it the way the Mfg dictates? That would be IT, both SW & HW.

Everyone treats the current economy as normal fluctuations of the marketplace when in fact it was created through intentionally bad policy.

We have a coming economic meltdown due solely to Socialistic spending and bad policies and their fix is to raise taxes on business & slaves.

Socialism kills environment(s) of business & individuals and then cries bloody murder when the finger is pointed at them.

Socialism- the religion of the weak minded & lazy thinkers w/ delusions of grandeur by creating heaven on earth in their insane image.

 #Socialism- the parasite that kills its host. Proof? #Spain, #Portugal, #Greece, #Ireland and coming soon, #USA.

I know its only day 2 but E3 is really getting bad if top stories on Kotaku are just about a useless Wii U & Adult Adoption. #Sheesh

#Kindle reading for tonight, Heraclitus. Love my Kindle but its definitely not made for #MAN hands. Hope they make one a bit bigger soon.

Let me see: 4 times 5 is 12, & 4 times 6 is 13, and 4 times 7 is-oh dear! I shall never get to 20 @ that rate~Alice or #DNC math

Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast ~ The Queen or Nancy Pelosi, one in the same?

All men want, not something to do with, but something to do, or rather something to be ~ Thoreau

How do you tell a communist? It's someone who reads Marx. How do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx ~ RonaldReagan

Is lying a 1st Amendment right? America is burning due to lies from Socialism yet only in a movie theater one cannot lie (yell fire)

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