Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sarah Palin and the Black man.

I only refer to this person as a Black man since that is how he identified himself to Sarah Palin.

First, my choices for President are Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, or Allen West.

With that said, over the weekend Palin had an excellent opportunity to win some new votes.

She was confronted by someone identifying himself as a Black man.  He had a question that threw her off guard and then sputtered and then answered in a "canned" way.

I do not point this out to criticize but to help.

Granted this person was probably a plant, not because of his color but due to the type of question asked, "what would you do to bring more Black's into the GOP or to vote for Sarah Palin like me"?

She should have answered by telling him he already answered his own question by saying, "well, you've been converted, why are you for me, what attracted you to me, what is it about our belief's that you found would help you?  And lets use that to help all people, Black and White understand these beliefs so that we can share a wonderful life together in the greatest country on the face of this planet".

That would have been a great answer or something similar.  This answer is the type of strategy that is not currently being used and leads to FNS outbreaks in situations like this.

Just my .02 in 60 seconds or less or my habitual knee jerk reaction.

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