Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Give the GOP a gun...

... and it will promptly point straight down and pull the trigger as fast as it can til the foot is evenly riddled with holes.

Its not enough that we've had to suffer through the Dole & then McCain fiasco's but now this election cycle might top them all.

Why is the GOP having debates on CNN or PMSNBC or CNBC??? No Republican watches any of these Leftist media outlets. Aren't these debates supposed to be for a "Republican" primary? Who cares about the 400 unwashed commies who watch CNN??? In the general election throw some ad's on CNN and then be done with them! Why does the GOP give the Leftists so much control over its process of election??? These debates have had horrible formats that have been horrible on purpose - to make Republicans look stupid and to discourage primary voters. And they've been very successful with it. To be fair, Chris Wallace & Fox News have been no better which begs the question, why Fox, why? Its as if they are desperate for the love of the Leftist media that they copy those who hate them and who will never stop hating them. Then again that would describe most of the GOP as well. They so desperately want to be liked & never will... get over it GOP! (and Fox)

Perry announces an Economic plan that is an absolute rip-off of Newt Gingrich & Herman Cain. Worse, its being reported as if he were the first with Newt & Herman joining Perry's lead. Typical behavior by the Leftist media but also now by Conservative media outlets??? Really??? Again, give the GOP a gun...blah blah blah.

The choices we are being given are polished talking heads, bobble-heads, a corporate head, a gargoyles head, and an academic head. So far, the GOP is too busy admiring the holes in their foot to look up and see that they need an academic head versus the other puffed up heads. But I digress.

What makes me truly angry is not that we are headed for another election where the DNC chooses our candidate but that this candidate might win. I say "might" since all the candidates,with the exception of Newt Gingrich, would fail terribly in a debate against the master of lies, Obama. If a GOP candidate actually won, they would fail... again, with the exception of Newt Gingrich. And when they fail, so does the legitimacy of any Conservative movement which will plunge the country futher into the putrid swamp of Socialism.

It is our fault that this country has fallen as far as it has, now is the time to correct our mistakes and make America a truly Exceptional nation again. Not just for our sakes but for those who need to escape the tyrannies of Socialism in this World. This World needs a shining example of something better than the man-made religion of Socialism... America used to be that example.

1 comment:

  1. Just remeber McCain and that doing it or saying it "this way" might envoke a positive Liberal responce - they might approve. = Slow death. Barry said and I quote "Sit down John you lost the election" during a session of the Senate.
    Let's not go there again. The true meaning of stupidity is making the same painfull mistake and exspect a differant result. There is no "suger coating" this election nor the need for the most conservitive candidate.
