Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Newt yesterday's Man?

On Fox News, Brit Hume pontificating upon Newt Gingrich says: Newt is seen as yesterdays man while people are looking at the future.

What does that mean?  That we start each day without remembering the day before and that is the key to our success?  Really?

Forget yesterday, that was so um, yesterday!  Tomorrow is the future don'tcha know and the future is um, tomorrow.  We need new ideas for new solutions to, um.... solve OLD problems.  And thats the dirty little secret, the problems we have today come from yesterday.  Why?  Because we might dress better, travel faster, live longer, eat more but we are still Human.  Human Nature has not changed which means neither have our problems or how we solve them.

Make no mistake about it.  Those who tell you that our problems are new therefore more complicated are those who have a vested interested in making or keeping it that way.

Some are simply arrogant.  They know better than the billions that came before them.  But some use this as a technique to control.

Consider these passages:

A civilization without memory ceases to be civilized. A civilization without history ceases to have identity. Without identity there is no purpose; without purpose civilization will wither ~ Michael Kammen

“We are like dwarfs seated on the shoulders of giants; we see more things than the ancients and things more distant, but this is due neither to the sharpness of our own sight, nor to the greatness of our own stature, but because we are raised and borne aloft on that giant mass" ~ Bernard of Chartres

I think that yesterday's man is quite suited to take on our not so unique or futuristic problems.  I think that yesterdays man needs to remind those with poor memories that he beat all those problems and will do so again.  This time permanently which actually means until we are seduced away from it again by those with their shiny new babbles promising a new life, one suited for the Future & beyond!  All the while carrying our not so new Human Nature with us wherever we tread.  

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